Rasmus Lerdorf, a Danish-Canadian produced PHP sometime in 1994. His home page used early, unreleased versions to track who was looking at his online resume. The Personal Home Page Tools was the first version that other people used, and it was available in 1995. It consisted of a basic parser engine that could only interpret a small number of unique macros and a few utilities that were commonly used on home pages at the time. PHP/FI Version 2 was the new name given to the parser in the middle of 1995.The FI was derived from a different package that Rasmus had written that interpreted data from html forms. With the addition of mSQL support and the Personal Home Page tools scripts, he developed PHP/FI. People began contributing code to PHP/FI as it expanded at an incredible rate.
PHP is primarily used for web-scripting. Anything to do with server-side scripting, also known as a website's backend, is possible with PHP. PHP, for instance, can work with databases, create sessions, send, and receive cookies, send emails, and more. It can also generate dynamic content for pages.
Over 79% about web sites rely on PHP to some degree. This makes it the most popular web scripting language among web developers and programmers.
PHP is a very versatile, general purpose scripting language. It can generate dynamic page content, create, open, read, and write. It can also be used to control user access and encrypt data. PHP is a high demand and popular language used by web developers. It is a server-sided language that is integrated into HTML it makes it quite easy to include functionality to web pages without the need to call a lot of external data.