In reveiwing the documentation on, it states that MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS). It is a popular open-source system used for building and maintaining web applications and data-driven B2B services. Relations databases like MySQL hold records in multiple, separate, highly coded tables, as opposed to a single, all-encompassing repository or collection. This allows the RDBMS to perform more streamline actions such as retrieving data, updating information, or more complex actions such as aggregation.
MySQL is similar to other databases because it is open-sourced and it is a RDBMS. Most databases also support the programming languages od C and C++.
MySQL is the second most popular RDBMS in the world. It is just incehed out by Oracle.
MySQL is a versatile, robust RDBMS that is very widely used by web developers. It allows for data query, manipulation and data access controls. It is flexible and easy to use and offers security to uphold your data's integrity.